Monday, June 6, 2011

New Discoveries

As I reported yesterday, we took a quick peek at the house and made a few discoveries.  One was that the table pictured on the right was still in the back yard.  Another was that there seems to be some sort of stonework or patio under the leaves that litter the ground by the table.  When we finally have enough cool weather and some good rakes, perhaps we will find a lovely little concrete area in the back.

The fence in the picture does not look that good anymore.  It is very old, some of the boards are rotting, and it definitely needs to be replaced, but we were a little upset to see that some of the boards are now completely missing.  We know that the neighbor, Jim, wants to tear the fence down and replace it.  Technically, our survey showed that the whole fence really is 3 inches on his property, so I guess if he wants to tear it down, we could not fight it.  I would like to have a little chance to adjust to living in the house before we see it go, but with boards missing now, the fence is even more of an eyesore.

Rick went out this morning and opened the U-Haul trailer to see how all of our belongings survived this sometimes bouncy trip.  He has more courage than I!  Remarkably, he said that everything seemed to be where we had put it, and he saw no shifting or damage to any of the goods.  Good work, Rick and Lindsay!  Everything came through fine.

I was dead tired last night, but I was shocked when I rolled over this morning and saw 7:00 a.m. on the hotel clock!  Then I thought, "Oh, yeah.  That's right.  We are in eastern time now!"  I need to adjust my watch which will be easier to do than adjusting my body to this new schedule.

I will have to post more later, after we close on the house and have a chance to walk through it.  Right now, Rick is antsy to get out of this hotel room, so we are off to Sam's Club and Wal-Mart to buy LOTS of cleaning supplies!

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