Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Delights and Disappointments

As I think I related earlier in this blog, my Grandfather Will always said, "If you buy something cheap, you get something cheap."  We found that out yesterday when we went to install the new kitchen sink.  We really TRIED to buy a good sink from Kohler, but when that came through damaged, we had to send it back.  We then figured that we probably will be replacing the sink in a couple of years when we get around to finishing the kitchen, so why not go inexpensive now and wait until we have the money to buy something good later.  (Re-read Grandpa's saying above...)

A faucet and sink!
Not great, but functional...
We bought a really inexpensive (euphemism for "cheap") acrylic sink that, unfortunately, transmits light if we hold it up to a bright bulb.  We put it in, vowing to be careful with sharp knives and other poking implements.  The installation went fine which was a miracle in itself since Chief Running-Water was in charge.  (I should not tease... he actually has gotten quite good with plumbing through the years.)  However, because the sink was manufactured with less than strict quality control, one of the strainer cutouts was a little bit off kilter. We used silicone caulk, as suggested, and watched as the sink strainer dripped down the pipes onto the floor.  This was on Sunday.  We washed dishes standing up, using the dishpans in the new sink, and quickly poured the water down the drain.  Minimal leaks. 

A sink, a refrigerator, a stove... a functioning kitchen at last!
Yesterday, we went back to the store, got some not-recommended-on-acrylic old fashioned plumber's putty, and Rick reinstalled the strainers.  Alleluia!  No leaks.  I now have a working refrigerator, a functioning oven and stove top, and a working sink installed in a counter-top.  While the kitchen will not appear in the pages of House Beautiful, it will suit our needs for the next couple of years since we will only be down here a couple of months each summer.

We also talked with a cabinetmaker here in Dunedin about getting the vanity Rick made spray painted.  I know that it kills him to paint cherry wood, but we both agree that a painted vanity will look better than a stained one in the main bathroom.  The cabinetmaker gave us a "guesstimate" of $300 to paint it.  We are considering our options, but neither of us feel that painting white by hand will work.  We would end up with too many brush marks, and it would be a shame to ruin such a nice vanity with a poor finish.

Today we started the day well.  The gutter installer came to caulk the leak we discovered in our problem corner in the house.  The leak may have been caused by the tenting of the house last week.  More leaks.  Did I mention Chief Running Water?  Anyway, that went well.

Rick also called Tim about coming in and cutting our lawn weekly. It just grows too fast and looks terrible if it is not cut that often.  Steve and Chris' lawn only needs cutting every other week, but not this lawn!  We do not want the house to look not lived in when we are gone, and two weeks' growth makes this house look like it is abandoned.  So more money must be budgeted for that.

We would both feel much better if our trailer would sell.  That would allow us to replenish our savings and still have some "slush" for windows and other repairs next year.  We'll have to see if some Snowbirds want a good trailer to come south in for the winter.  Anyone want a really nice trailer for less than 1/2 price?

The really disappointing side of today was when we learned that the original company who said that we did not have termites in the house at the time of the inspection refused to compensate us any money for the tenting.  They said that their report was just verbal and that they were not liable for anything.  Rick became very upset and had a bad day, but in the end we got our revenge.  Although we will not get any money from them, we let our real estate lady, Jen, know of the whole situation.  She was shocked to learn that they would not accept liability, so she probably will never use them at an inspection again.

Front of napkin holder
Back of napkin holder..island view!
My first vase for Gladys!
For some fun this afternoon, we went to Art from the Heart to pick up the pottery we painted.  I really like the fun vase that Rick painted, and he said that he really liked the napkin holder I painted. You be the judge.  I guess we "artists" are always more critical of our own work! Once again, neither piece will ever be auctioned off at Southby's, but they are fun and functional, so they will always be a part of Gladys.
Blue and green with yellow polka-dots!

We are going to try to get the living room and Florida room plastering finished this week.  When Rick went to use the sander this morning, the darn thing fell apart.  He said that the hook and loop disk on the bottom fell apart. We found a new one at our second home -- Home Depot -- so tomorrow we will be back in business.

On a funny side note, I have a pair of white clogs that I slipped into before we went to the pottery shop today.  As I got out of the truck, I almost fell off the shoe.  I said to Rick, "I don't know what is going on.  This shoe is really uncomfortable."  He looked at me and started to laugh. 

"Look at your shoe!" he said.

The blow-out!
I looked down and discovered that the whole shoe had separated. "What the heck happened?" I exclaimed.  The stitching had come undone, and the whole top part of the clog, almost to the toe, had blown apart!  I have no idea how it happened, but I do not remember the shoe being like that when I put it on today.   Although this was not as major as a tire blowing out on the truck, it did force us to drive home so I could change footwear.  Weird.

Another weird thing is the weather.  Stephanie called from Rochester, MN, and said that the actual temperature was 102 and that the heat index was 138 degrees.  She said the radio and TV had warnings all day that if anyone knew someone who did not have air conditioning, they should go and check on them or rescue them.    As she was taking to me, I checked the temperature here in Dunedin.  We had reached 94 during the day, but at the time we talked, the temperature here had dipped to 89.  Wisconsin has been hotter than Florida for the last three days.  I think I'll stay here.

We are both glad that we now have a functioning kitchen, that we have nice weather, and that we no longer have to deal with contractors.  We are making final plans on what to get done and what can wait until next year.  This has been a stressful time with lots of decisions, some stress, some fun, and great accomplishments thrown in for good measure.

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