Monday, December 31, 2012

E-mail Woes

In order to save money, we have decided to cancel our Internet service in Wisconsin while we are down in Florida.  However, before we could make that decision, we had to get a new e-mail address not tied into that particular company.  Thus, we have just spent the last two days doing nothing but alerting our friends, families, and the 1000 or so companies who communicated with us through our past e-mail account.  I have a headache...

One of the most difficult transitions was with this blog which was originally tied to my old e-mail address.  How frustrating! I know that I am not a computer wizard, but their directions would have earned a C- in my writing class, so my transition to the new address did not come easily.  This is the first blog with the new settings, so I give it only a 50-50 chance of actually appearing on someone else's screen.

We are in the midst of packing, and at this point we both are at a loss.  Although the temperature this morning in Dunedin was 60 degrees, that temperature lets me know that I would not be comfortable in a short-sleeved tee-shirt.  The temperature is 71 now, but again long sleeves and perhaps a light sweater when outside (unless I am really working hard) would be more suitable.  We need to figure out what to send down to Florida, what to carry down on the plane, and what to leave here for the late spring/ summer/ early fall seasons that we face in Wisconsin.  As Winnie-the-Pooh would say, "Oh, bother!"  I am sure that we will do some taking down and hauling north of clothes and other goods for a couple more trips until we can get this right.  We both long for the day when we can pack one bag for the flight and just take that and a computer that can fly back and forth with us.  Someday...

Since our last blizzard here, we had another "minor" snowstorm that promised us 1 - 3 inches of new powdery snow.  Ha!  I wish the weatherman could have been in my driveway with a shovel when that prediction resulted in almost 7 inches of snow that Rick had to remove.  We have another storm predicted for Thursday, but that should be the last storm we have to deal with before we leave.

The other thing I will not miss this winter is the cold.  We have a predicted zero degrees by midnight tonight with a wind-chill factor or -10 as we ring in the new year.  I hope the temperature freezes out all of the violence and evil doings of the past year so that 2013 can dawn clear and bright.  Happy New Year, everyone!

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