Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Four States and Three Major Cities Later

After a blissfully restful night, we were both awake at 4:30 a.m., so we decided to get ready and to leave Illinois early.  We made good time and watched the day dawn clearly as we traversed Kentucky.  Our breakfast consisted of left-over muffins and orange juice at one of several stops at Rest Stops along the way.

Once again, traffic was fine until we got to Nashville, TN.  I do not know what it is about Nashville, but each time we go through the city, our GPS gets all mixed up.  Lindsay named it "Victoria" because she said the the voice on the GPS "sounds like someone named Victoria." OK. Whatever.  At any rate, Victoria apparently was listening to good old country music instead of paying attention to the roads because, had we followed her directions, we would probably be in Memphis tonight!  Traffic was terrible through the city, but with our old-fashioned paper maps, we were able to soon be south of the city.

Although we started in 30-something degree temperatures, we again were blessed with a clear, sunny day.  (Side note: an e-mail from Stephanie in Minnesota told us that Rochester was receiving the forecasted snow that we were trying to avoid as we left Wisconsin.) We actually made good progress today, traveling through Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, and two-thirds of Alabama.  Unlike their northern problem city, the cities of Birmingham and Montgomery posed no real problems.

Our hotel tonight, just south of Montgomery, is not in the location Rick had envisioned. He is disgruntled about it, but we are both too tired to go further.  After a little problem with the first room, we are now settled into a new room for the night. Rick is probably as exhausted as I am right now, so we will try to settle in early tonight.

We have approximately 500 miles and a seven hour drive ahead of us tomorrow, but if we have the stamina to do one more day of this travel, we will be able to sleep in our own house in our own bed tomorrow night in Florida.  That luxury will be worth whatever it takes to get there.

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