Saturday, December 20, 2014

White Christmas?

According to the weather report this morning, Wisconsin has a 90% chance of having a white Christmas this year.  While I have to admit that the snow helps get me into the holiday spirit, I would rather have Stephanie (who arrives Christmas Eve) and nephew Jon (who arrives at my sitter's house Christmas Day) home safely before too much more white stuff accumulates on the ground.

Our trip home was uneventful except for the snow flurries that turned into a downright snowstorm as we drove home from Milwaukee.  We had snow for about half of the way home, and until today have had an already-white landscape.  The temperatures today started cold but have risen as the day wore on, so much of the snow has melted. Not to fear.  Snow is predicted for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (Christmas Eve) of the coming week, so I am sure that we will have more than enough snow for the holidays.

We were a little perturbed with the dusting of snow that we received upon our arrival only because our snow service came and shoveled us out.  I did not think that we even had two inches of snow, yet when we got up on Wednesday morning, our driveway and porch had definitely been shoveled.  They had better not charge us more than $10 for that job, or I will protest.  They are not supposed to shovel at all unless we have at least two inches of snow to remove.

The last two days have been busy.  We went to the grocery store and meat market, spending over $200 just to stock the refrigerator for the next couple of weeks.  We finished our Christmas shopping, walking carefully to avoid ice patches in the parking lots.  I hate the cold weather! We have put up the tree, decorated the rest of the house, baked three kinds of cookies, frosted some of the cookies, wrapped the gifts, and started to clean the house.
The lights of the Christmas tree overshadow
the gifts beneath it.

Owen is coming over tonight to "help" frost some cookies.  That ought to be fun.  I am sure that eating (or at least licking off the frosting) will be a part of that venture, too.

We are now pretty set for the holidays. Our stockings are hung on the half wall (since we do not have a fireplace or internal chimney) with care.  I am glad that we only have six in the family, since I have run out of wall room!
The homemade crocheted stockings await Christmas Day.

We wish you all a very relaxing Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!

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