Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Holding onto springtime in Minnesota is like trying to hold fog in your hand.  You can feel the essence of the season around you -- sunshine, gentle winds, melting snow, and rising temperatures. But like the soft embrace of the cool, damp fog, the phenomenon disappears if you try to fold it into your fingers.  Spring flirted with Minnesota yesterday, but today we awoke to an icy 32 degrees.  Granted, the temperatures have risen once again with the sunshine of early afternoon, but everyone knows that spring may not linger yet in the coming weeks.

Stephanie continues to improve. Against the doctor's orders, and totally unknown to her, instinct took over in the middle of the night and Stephanie awoke to find herself sleeping on her stomach.  This is her normal sleeping position, and as such, she got a great night's sleep; however, her orders were to keep her leg straight and elevated on a pillow.  Oh, well.  She needed the sleep and the leg was not overly swollen because of her sleep position.

We were able to remove the bulky surgical dressing today, and the incision sites -- all three of them-- look good.  Having the big bandages gone is a relief, and being able to better wash around the surgical area also helps.  She was able to stand and to wash today, and we were able to wash her hair also.  That always makes me feel more human!

Stephanie is totally off all prescription pain medications and seems to be tolerating the discomfort of the surgery with just ibuprofen to ease the inflammation. She is progressing well!

The cats seem to be tolerating having the extra company in their domain. They snuggle up to us and are not showing signs of undo stress.  Right now Blossom is lounging in the sun in front of the patio doors, and Lucy is asleep in the bedroom.  If I had to be an animal, I would want to be a house cat.  I would have a warm bed, toys, food, treats, and as much petting as I chose to have.  Others would take care of my litter box, and I would take frequent naps in heated huts anytime I desired.

Rick and I are keeping busy with small projects around the house.  Rick has scrubbed and re-caulked the shower in the main bathroom.  I have tried to give the house a thorough cleaning, knowing that Stephanie will not be able to do much until her knee further heals.

This house is getting outdated, so Stephanie is trying to decide if she should put money into remodeling her kitchen, baths, and basement, or if she should put this house on the market and move to a new house or a new townhouse.  She has lots of options available to her.  She is at a turning point right now, so she has lots of decisions to make.

We are considering driving back to Wisconsin on Sunday if Stephanie is able to fend for herself at that time.  She continues to improve, and as she moves around more, she certainly will be glad that she has had her knee repaired.

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