Thursday, August 6, 2015

Missions Accomplished

As we were taking our traditional evening walk today, Rick commented, "You know, this has been a very productive week."  I hadn't thought about what we really accomplished this week, but he is very correct.

On Monday he made the second of two stands for our rigid shuttle loom.  We wanted to make the looms easy to use, and getting back into weaving has been one of our goals this summer.  His efforts will make having two working looms easy for us now.  He put a finish of Danish Oil on both stands so the wood is protected and the looms are ready to use. We'll take the smaller 20" loom down to Florida and leave the larger 25" loom here in Green Bay.  Now I cannot wait to get a warp on one so I can weave again.

On Tuesday we traveled south to Brookfield to a shop called the Dent Clinic.  This shop was recommended to us by Steve after he saw the "ding" in the rear passenger door of our new truck.  Apparently someone opened a car door into our truck door while we were stopped in LaCrosse getting the license plate for our truck.  The poor thing was dented before we ever had a chance to drive it into our driveway!  The workmen at the shop did an excellent job; within half an hour they had our truck repaired so well that we cannot find the location of the dent.  The paint is intact, and the truck looks new again.

We also wanted to travel south to visit Steve and Chris to give them back the tools that they lent us and to give them a few other diesel truck accessories that we no longer needed. We had a very enjoyable lunch and visit with them.

Yesterday we decided that we did not want the City workers to add dirt to the sawdust pile that they left in our front yard after cutting our tree and then to try to plant grass.  Their handiwork in other yards in the neighborhood resulted in uneven ground with more weeds than lawn growing in the affected patches.  Instead, we spent the day digging out the area, removing over eight wheelbarrow loads of dirt and wood chips, and leveling what was left in preparation for sod.  We were told by an area nursery that for approximately $50 we could have enough sod to cover the area, but they would not receive a shipment of sod until Friday.  Since the weather forecasters predict badly needed rain tomorrow, we decided that would not be a wise move.

Our day started today with Rick going in for his yearly eye exam.  After he came out, we ran some errands, and then he called the Sod Farm to see if they would sell to private individuals.  They would, so we ordered 15 rolls of sod for pick-up in early afternoon.

After lunch we made a not-so-quick stop at the Hazardous Waste disposal site to get rid of old paint, stain, and chemicals, and then were on our way to Black Creek to get some sod.  For $28, we -- or rather Rick since I could not lift a roll of sod -- loaded 15 rolls of sod and were on our way.  I cannot believe how weak I have become; I get really frustrated when I can no longer lift or carry what I used to in the past.
Just one more roll of sod will complete the once bare 12 x 12
foot area in our lawn.

Once home, the sod went down very quickly.  What was once an unevenly outlined patch of mud and wood chips is now transformed into a beautifully lush area of grass.  A good watering in late afternoon hopefully got it off to a good start.
Water will both keep the lawn lush and will
allow it to take root.  A good watering also
will help the rest of the lawn change from brown
to green.

Rick is right; this has been a good week full of accomplishments, and we have not even made it to Friday yet!

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