Friday, July 28, 2017

Green, Green Grass of Home

My watch tells me that the time is 3:27 p.m., and other than a small break at lunchtime, this is the first time today that I have had a chance to rest.  Needless to say, this has been another productive day.

The before and after pictures below show how the morning was spent:

The rest of the former garden, awaiting sod.

The side yard as it looks after 20 rolls
of sod. 

We had to go out to the fields where the men were cutting the sod in order to purchase 20 more rolls.  I guess we could not get sod more fresh than that!  We were home by 9:30 and able to lay down the next part of the sod.

We were surprised that we actually had enough to fill in the main mud patch section of the yard.  We still need to do a third trip to pick up sod, though.  We would like to lay down one more strip where the creeping-charlie weeds currently live.  Technically that area is on the neighbor's property, but since our trees grew out over that area (which allowed the weeds to grow) we feel we have the responsibility to remove the weeds and to add some grass.

Our front yard has a couple of places also that would benefit from new sod, and our back yard has the same.  These areas are all depressions in the yard that mark where trees once grew.  We need to add some dirt on top, and then so new sod to get rid of these ankle-turners.  Since driving 45 miles takes gas, we will wait until we know how much sod Lindsay and Chris will need for their yard, and then we will get all of the sod at once.

The afternoon has been spent with the usual Friday cleaning chores and laundry, plus a run to the automatic vehicle wash because our trips to the dump have left the truck filthy.  We are preparing to drive the truck to Milwaukee tomorrow, so we cleaned the inside, restocked it with snacks and water, and Rick filled the tank with gas.  We also made a run to the bank to keep the finances accurate.  Whew!

Once again the weather cooperated so we did not die of heat stroke.  We are both happy to see the major part of that task complete.  Now all we have to do is to add water.

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