Thursday, January 25, 2018

Power Tools and Primer

After haircuts this morning, we both had a quick bite for lunch, and then Rick went back outside to work on the chairs.

Lots of sand paper, a few power tools, and a couple of files resulted in him getting the worst of the paint, rust, and solder-splatter off the first chair.  (Apparently, the artist who welded the chair together was an the neatest nor the best welder.) Then Rick wiped the chair down with mineral spirits, and it was ready for primer.

The wind was blowing quite briskly this afternoon, but our back yard is spacious enough that Rick was able to find a place to spray a brown primer on the first chair.  He used one whole can just to cover the first chair, so I foresee a trip back to Lowe's tomorrow to buy more paint.

Brown primer covers the first chair...and the boards
used to hold it out of the dirt... and the grass around it.

The warm sun will help the primer dry quickly.

Eventually the chair will be white.  For now, we are happy that we have sunshine and warm enough temperatures to actually paint something outside. The poor grass may never be the same, but it was not all that healthy anyway.  We need to re-seed the whole back yard, but that is another story...

We still are trying to figure out what to put on the bottom of the rockers so that the paint does not wear off the minute they are used to rock on the cement patio.  We also do not want the bottoms to rust and to leave marks on the concrete. Steve suggested a patio rug, which would be great.  Rick though some clear, plastic tubing might work.  That certainly would be much cheaper! We'll have to try it and see if we have any success.

Suggestions always are welcome!

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