Wednesday, March 14, 2018


The weather here in Florida has been unusually cold the last couple of days; thankfully, the plants do not seem to mind too much.  We continue to water them each day, and they continue to supply us with grace and beauty as they sway in the not-too-gentle wind.

Our old muscles continue to heal.  I personally had a bad day on Monday.  My body let me know that certain muscles were over-used, and that I needed to knock off trying to act and feel like a 30 year old.  That time was, sadly, more that 33 years ago!  Each day both Rick and I continue to heal and to feel better.

We are looking forward to a visit from my friend Bonnie.  We plan a laid-back time with a little sightseeing and a lot of just relaxing in any fashion that she desires.

So we have done nothing earth-shattering or exceptional in the last two days, and that is good./

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