Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Finished Fence!

 Yesterday we actually took time to finish the fence by hanging the gate that Rick made a few days ago.  The fence is complete.  We wanted to finish so that we could get the fence inspected and close out the permit before winter and before we return to Florida.

This small gate on the north side of the house
completes the enclosure of the back yard.

Rick called the Permit Office this morning.  They will send an inspector out tomorrow.  We do not have to be home, and we do not have to present him or her with any paperwork to be signed at the end of the inspection.  We were told that if he or she approves the fence, we simply will not hear from the Permit Office again.  Wow!  Is that ever different from the process used in our town in Florida where one HAS to have the paperwork hanging outside for the Inspector to review and sign if you have done EVERYTHING absolutely right.  If not, the job gets tagged until all of the incomplete or unacceptable parts of the project are corrected.  

We don't think we will have any problems with this Wisconsin fence. We are well within the boundaries of our property, everything is plumb and true, the fence is neither too high nor too low, and the permit will stay properly displayed in the front window.

So what does my hard-working husband do when he finished hanging the gate?  He "watched" TV to relax.  I think it worked!!!

Now I know why Rick did not "fast forward"
through the commercials.

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