Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And the work goes on...

One of the side effects of one of the medications I am taking is insomnia.  I usually spend part of each night either lying in bed listening to Rick snore or in the living room reading my Kindle in the hope of getting sleepy once again.  Last night, miraculously, I went to bed and actually slept for 10 hours.  I needed that!  Sleeping that long was wonderful and one of the perks of being retired.

When we arose, laundry and painting topped our first-thing-in-the morning lists, and both were completed in fairly short order.  The guest room doors have another coat of paint on them, and now we just have to let them dry.

We decided that we would work on the master bedroom closet next since we both are anxious to get that complete.  While Rick finished painting the doors, I started to take shoes and clothes out of the master closet.  He soon joined me, but rather than pack clothes into tubs, he just took his side of the closet and piled the clothes on the guest bed.  OK.  That works too.
Rick removes the door jambs from the old closet doors.

Closet destruction was almost easier this time -- not in effort or execution, but in planning -- since we wanted to gut the entire closet.  We will build shelves all the way to the top, so the upper storage unit "floor" had to be ripped out also.  The result is a closet that will be much easier to paint.  Rick is certainly glad about that. In the last closet, painting the top was like trying to paint the inside of a caterpillar's cocoon.
With the upper storage unit removed, the closet seems huge.
This open concept will allow us to hang clothes on double-stacked
racks while still having a shelf above
everything for more storage.

In taking out the various nails, screws, and "extra" boards that were fastened to the interior, I wondered what the previous owners put there.  Belts?  Purses?  Maybe she hung an ironing board inside?  Who knows?  I just know that everything now is out, and we are ready to begin construction again.
Thankfully, the pink spackling dries white.  Paint will soon follow.

Due to various racks and rods, this closet actually had more holes to fill in than the guest room closet.  The spackling is currently drying, and if I know Rick, he will try to get a coat of paint on those walls yet tonight.  Maybe if the light fades I can convince him to wait until the morning.

He had to take the car in for an oil change and other minor repairs this afternoon.  While he was gone, I turned my attention to the outdoors.  I know that this will pain my Wisconsin and Minnesota family and friends who are enduring yet another below zero freeze, but the weather was hot and muggy here today, so I dug out the hose and directed the water toward the windows.  Six months of dirt had accumulated in the screens and on the windows.  A thorough wash-down, however, has really made a difference.  I actually can see details in the back yard again, and the egrets are white instead of a speckled gray!  If for no other reason, I am glad that the windows are cleaner so the light can come into the Florida room again.

Maybe tonight, if the rain holds off a bit, we will be able to take a walk by the Marina.  That is Rick's favorite place, and if I can get him out of the house, maybe he'll take a little time to relax and to enjoy our time here in Florida.

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