Friday, October 24, 2014

Killer Muffins

Four more large bags of debris is testament to the amount of work that Rick did on the shower today.  He pretty much took down the rest of the plumbing wall, but disturbing the pipes also caused a small leak to start from the shower head.
As we suspected, the plumbers cut into the
outside wall to make room for the plumbing
fixtures. This would never pass code today.

The back wall is almost all down, too. At
least that wall is intact.

He finished the work before noon, so after two showers to make us presentable to the public, we were off to Steak 'N Shake for a quick lunch and then on to Lowe's to get a cap for the shower pipe.  Off with the old shower head, and on with the cap.  We though that our actions would solve the problem, but now the water is trying to leak out of the shower handle assembly.  Chief Running Water once again is dealing with water that just does not want to behave.

After fixing the plumbing, Rick started to tackle the garage.  He set up the hammock stand in the back yard and rearranged a few more things.  We want to get air into our bike tires to see if I actually can ride it this year.  Since we both own trikes, at least I don't have to worry about falling off... I just have to worry about whether I will have the energy and the muscles to peddle my behind around the block.  We may try to go out later. For now, Rick is enjoying some well-deserved time off with a good book in the hammock.

This afternoon we went to the Municipal Building in downtown Dunedin to apply for a permit for our fence.  We have all of the drawings in, the paperwork signed, and the commencement papers ready to submit.  We were told that we should get a call about the permit within a week.  Meanwhile, we wait.  Rick refuses to order materials until we have an approved permit in hand.

Not that we will be idle.  The shower will probably take us three or four more days just to get the walls down, and God only knows what we will find once we begin to tackle the floor. I dread that the most of all.

I had planned on "breakfast for dinner" tonight with blueberry muffins and omelets. So I drained the blueberries, mixed up the batter, filled the muffin-tin cups, and put the muffins into the oven.  I took the mixing bowl to the sink and discovered the blueberries still draining in a bowl!  Senior moment!  Out came the muffin tin so I could carefully spoon blueberries on top to slowly mix into the batter.  Now, 20 minutes later, the muffins are out of the oven.  They look OK, they seem to not each weigh a ton, so hopefully they will be edible for dinner tonight.  If you hear the headline, "Woman in Florida Kills Husband with Blueberry Muffins," you will know what happened.

Pink at Halloween is an odd color, but
Mooseltoes fits perfectly into our pink
and white bathroom.
One other task that I finally got around to doing was to decorate the house for Halloween. I have tried to keep decorations to a minimum since we do not have much storage space; however, I am happy to report that our pink "Mooseltoes ... Trick or Treat" figurine finally has found an appropriate place in our 1960's pink bathroom.  See, Gladys welcomes everyone.

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