Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cold Winds and Concerns

We listened to the wind howl all night long as the predicted cold front swooped in from the north.  What has happened to our weather this year?  Storm after storm has pelted the US, smothering places like Boston with record-breaking mountains of snow.  Now ice covers much of the East, pushing freezing temperatures down even the Florida peninsula.  Granted, the 40+ degrees we have outside right now is nothing compared to the below zero temps and gut-punching -30 wind chills in the North, but even my poor flowers down here are shivering in the cold.

The poor weather is making us question our decision to drive to Minnesota in two weeks.  I do not want to be sliding around in the truck on icy Tennessee roads.  I also do not want a normally eight hour a day drive to take us 12 or 14 hours to reach our destinations.  If anyone has a crystal ball, give us a call.  We really would like to know road conditions in two weeks.  Our safety is at stake.  We looked in to airline tickets as an option, but they are expensive at this eleventh hour, and flying arises a whole new set of concerns.  We are inclined to take our chances and to drive at this point.  We can always stop along the way if the conditions get too bad, I guess.

As both Rick and I suspected, Matt did not show up this morning to work on our shower.  He is completing another shower in Clearwater, so he hinted that he would probably have to go to that job this morning rather than to come here.  That just delays us by another day since we have appointments this afternoon and cannot be home.  Now the earliest tile can go in is tomorrow which means that the grouting will have to wait until Monday.  No shower doors for us until after we come back from Minnesota on March 24.  That fact is very disappointing, but at least we are seeing some progress in the shower.

Mike called yesterday regarding our shower threshold. He was at Home Depot, so the connection was terrible.  He asked if we wanted to come in to pick out our own threshold (translation: come and get your own so you have to pay for it) or if he should just pick one up.  He said that he did not want me to be disappointed.  God only knows what he will bring, but I told him to just pick out a nice piece of marble for the threshold.  If what Matt brings in is really hideous, we will go and get something else.  I hope that Mike will come through for us on this item.  Some cynic once wrote, "Hope is the wishes of fools," and I sincerely hope he was not right. We'll see...

Rick and I are talking about getting in another load of dirt to fill in the low spots in the rest of the back yard.  We noted that where the contractors tore a house down at the end of our block, they threw in some grass seed that seems to be growing well.  We have had an unusually wet February, and the grass looks great.  We may try to plant some grass just to see what comes up.  If it does not grow well, we are only out a few dollars for the seed.  We both would like to try it while we are here to water it, but in another two weeks we are gone for a month... so when do we plant?  Maybe we should wait until we come back in March.  That would still give us April and May to get something established, and then we just let God take over and water it with the rain.  There's that hope again.

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