Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mud in the Shower

Matt came yesterday to put in some of the backer board for the shower.  "Shower" is the operative word here because his plans to put in the cement floor were disrupted by a shower... actually a torrential downpour... that prevented him from mixing the materials to put in the floor.  He said that he did not want to mix it in the garage and then have to haul it all through the house, so he was gone by 2:00 p.m., promising to come back today.

He returned this morning and worked for about two hours to finish putting in the backer board around the curb and mudding the floor of the shower.  Pictures say more than words, so I present the following:
The plan to complete cutting and installing the backer board
was interrupted by terrible rain storms yesterday.
With the curb covered with backer board, Matt muds the
bottom of the shower, adding the correct slope for drainage.
The completed mud floor will dry overnight, and hopefully
tomorrow Matt can return to start tiling the walls and the floor.

We are happy with the results thus far.  Matt did an excellent job with the mud, and we cannot wait to see how he will put in the tile around the square drain.  We feel that his work was far superior to the last work that we had, and we are looking forward to the results.

This afternoon we both have haircut appointments, so perhaps both our shower and we ourselves will get a new look.

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