Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Hot, Hot, Hot

Anyone who still doubts that we are experiencing global warming only has to look at the errant weather patterns of the last six months.  Scientists predicted that we would see more frequent and violent storms.  This summer Florida was hit with horrible rains that left the ground soggy for days.  Tornados ripped through the central part of the country.  Currently rains are flooding out Texas, the deep South, and much of the southeastern part of the United States.

Record heat now covers the eastern two-thirds of the country. Both Stephanie and Lindsay told us that Minnesota and Wisconsin are supposed to get record highs in the 70's today, and those of us in Florida are in the middle of an extended heat wave.  The heat is in the high 80's with the heat index topping even that.  The humidity is oppressive.

Today Steve and Chris came over to get our jointly-owned pressure washer to wash down their pavement.  While their job was hot, at least they got to play with water a little bit! However, being in the sun is just no fun.

As they were toiling with that, we decided to go outside to wash the windows.  Even early in the morning, the humidity made us almost gasp for breath.  Working in the shade was uncomfortable but bearable.  Working in the sunshine was impossible.  We were able to wash all of the windows except for those on the south side.  They will have to wait until the area is in shade.  The rest are now clean and looking much, much better.  As Rick tackled the windows on the inside, I scrubbed down the shutters.  Thankfully, we only have six of them, and although they were filthy, they cleaned fairly easily.

Now, at 12:45 PM, the temperature is 88 degrees with a heat index of 91.  We are 10 degrees above normal, and I think everyone is ready to just get back to that normal point.  We came to Gladys to avoid the cold winter weather of Wisconsin, but this heat is a little more than we desired!

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