Friday, November 27, 2015

Muddy "Ache"ers

We were out early this morning again to play in the mud.  We wanted to see if we could get the dirt ridge and grass out of the area where we eventually want the paver sidewalk to reside.  To that end, we once again manned the shovels, spades, and buckets.

This section was less difficult than the last one just because we were further away from the main palm tree roots.  The area still took us time because we had to dig down to remove the sod, sift the dirt we turned over to rid it of roots, seeds, and stones, and transport the sifted dirt to new locations that were low in the yard.

This area was full of stones, so we think that at one time the now-gone palm tree was surrounded by stones.  I wanted to save them and perhaps use them in the back yard, but Rick just wanted to get rid of them.  We sifted out four bags of debris again today to go along with the three full bags that we removed yesterday.  If we were to go back and sift areas that we have not sifted yet, I am sure that we could get at least a half-dozen more bags of yard debris.
The ground is level enough to hold our temporary
paver sidewalk.
Once we start to lay the real pavers, we will have to
dig this whole area out more and put down a crushed
concrete paver base.

The results of our labor today is twofold.  First, we have the area leveled where we eventually want the sidewalk to go.  We temporarily reinstalled the paver blocks to allow us to walk to the house without slopping through the mud.  Secondly, both of us ache like we have not done so since we installed the fence.  Digging, tugging, and sifting the dirt left us both with sore butts, backs, and shoulders.  (Which just shows how old and how out of shape we both appear to be!)

However, we are pleased with the results so far.  We would love to put plants into the front garden, but they do not look great this time of year, and I would rather wait until early March when new plants come in and when the growing season for the part of Florida really starts. How we are going to keep the mud of the garden from washing down the driveway remains to be seen.  Perhaps landscape fabric or a good tarp will have to do for now.  (I suggested artificial turf, but Rick was not too thrilled with my suggestion!)
Some colorful bushes and plants will both hide the
plumbing fixtures and add some curb appeal to
the front of Gladys.

The temporary sidewalk will have to do until we can get back to Florida after the Christmas holiday.  At that point, we can order a load of crushed gravel, attack it all with a power tamper, and have the pavers delivered to our house.  Until then, Gladys is once again a work in progress.

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