Sunday, January 24, 2016

Down But Not Out

We have had a couple of down days due to the less-than-spectacular weather.  Yesterday was miserable: cold (by Florida standards), wet, and very, very windy.  We wanted to frame out the next cement project, but that was not about to happen. We are down but not out(side).

We watched with concern as the wind tried to uproot our new little bottle brush tree.  I actually saw the root ball bulge up toward the yard surface as the winds pulled the branches of the tree to one side.  Happily, the tree survived and still seems to be rooted in the ground this morning.

Two weeks ago, when Rick took me to the doctor's office, he sat in the waiting room.  I went in to the doctor.  He texted me that the people sitting next to him were all coughing, so he was going to go out and wait for me in the car.  Sadly, he was not quick enough.  He now has a cough, thanks, we figure, to the idiots in the doctor's office who did not know enough to cover their cough.

Since the weather was rotten yesterday, we stayed indoors for most of the day.  I got some cleaning done in the morning while Rick researched how to cope with our new HSA that we must now use with our insurance.  That is another nightmare... Then we made a quick trip to the grocery store for supplies.

In the afternoon, I put on a huge pot of homemade chicken noodle soup.  The soup boiled and then simmered most of the afternoon.  By dinnertime, we had a completed pot of soup with enough left over to feed a small platoon.  We shared the soup with Steve and Chris since it will not all fit in our freezer. Steve shared some bread that they had with us.

Rick stayed home from church this morning so he did not hack through the whole service.  I hate it when people come and then not only disturb others, but also share whatever ails them.

The day is sunny today but still cold.  We will wait until tomorrow to frame out the area we want to cement.  We could not pour today anyway since the temperatures are supposed to drop into the 40's this evening.
The narrow warp fits easily on our little loom.

This afternoon I worked some more on the scarf I am weaving.  I am using a burgundy warp and a variegated chenille for the weft.  I should make a warm, snuggly scarf that will probably be too warm for Florida... although the last two days show that we do get chilly down here!
Burgundy, navy, green, and tan are all colors
in this variegated yarn.

Maybe one of my daughters will get the scarf if either of them want it. Right now, I just am enjoying the almost hypnotic rhythm of weaving.  With the right background music, weaving is very relaxing, and on a cold winter's day, that is just fine with me.

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