Saturday, April 23, 2016

Concreted Success

A light breeze.  Sunshine.  Temperatures in the low to mid-70s.  What else could a person ask for when pouring concrete?

We were outside by 8:00 a.m. to set up for our concrete pour today.  Since we had finished the framing yesterday, all we had to do was to mix and pour it. Thank God for the concrete mixer-- which, ironically, soon will be stored on the slab that we poured today.
Water comes to the surface of the concrete
as it starts to set.

Our first mix was a little wet, but that allowed it to flow well into the corners like we had hoped it would do.  Subsequent mixes were easy to pour into the allotted space, so the whole process went very quickly.  We were done pouring by 9:00 a.m.

Of course, then one must have patience while the concrete starts to set.  Patience is not a key virtue for my dear husband, so he got a bit antsy waiting for the pour to set enough for him to really work it.

We probably could have poured the whole thing at one time, but we were concerned that we might not have enough Sakrete with the 13 bags we ordered.  We were correct.  At the end of the pour today, we had only 4 bags left, so we will go back to Lowe's today (E-gad! A big box store on the weekend!) to pick up another bag of Sakrete.  Better to have too much than not enough.
Rick starts to work the edges and surface of the pour.

While we cleaned up the mixer and some of the tools, the pour started to set.  It was a bit too soupy, so it took a while until Rick could get to it to start edging the mix.  Naturally, at that point the wind picked up a bit, so we also had to pluck a few leaves out of the wet concrete as the morning progressed.

The pour was finally set enough for Rick to do a final joint cut and to smooth the surface.  He debated on adding a broom finish but decided against it since we did not broom finish the other slabs.  This new pour will mostly be under the new shed box anyway, so all should be fine.
This portion of the slab addition simply has to cure.

This afternoon we'll make a (hopefully) quick trip to Lowe's, and then I think my Kindle and the hammock may be calling my name.

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