Monday, April 11, 2016

Waiting and Weight

Rick and I are in the waiting mode.  We would like to wash the Florida Room windows, but why bother when the contractor is *supposed* to come Friday to dig up the back yard?  We would like to do some more landscaping south of the Florida Room, but we cannot do that until the contractor moves the dirt from the patio area to the other side of the Florida Room.  We would like to wash the fence, but read my comments above about the contractor and dirt.  So now we wait for the sequence of events to occur.

In the meantime, we both are finding that inactivity leads to overeating and generally morphing into two sloths. I have lost and found the same four pounds all winter long.  We work on something around the house, I am occupied and exercising; therefore, I eat less.  When we are done, I am bored and excess food finds its way into my mouth.  Sigh.

Now don't get me wrong.  I am happy that most of the major work is completed around Gladys -- at least the work that we can afford to actually complete this year.  Along with the waiting mode, we also must enter the saving mode to have funds for "next season's" projects.

We did get out this morning while the weather was still cool and ride our bikes.  I knew I was in trouble when pumping up the three tires on my ICE trike left me winded.  What a sorry physical specimen I have become!  However, once we were on the bikes and headed for the trails, riding felt great to 98 percent of my body.  The two percent that wasn't so great was my right knee.  I had torn the meniscus in that knee a few years ago, and it has been aching the last few weeks.  This morning, on the bike, it felt bad, then OK, then bad again.  The question now: Have I torn something again, or is the knee just aching from arthritis?  The fact that it felt a bit better once it warmed up suggests that arthritis might be the culprit, but if it continues to hurt, I'll ask my doc what is going on once we go North for the summer.  By that time we probably will have fully met our insurance deductible, so a diagnosis won't cost us a mortgage payment.  (Maybe a week's worth of food budget, but not the whole house!)

Until we get the contractors in to pour the patio, we will have to keep walking and biking, keep cleaning the house and raking the yard, and keep busy with hobbies like weaving and reading good books.  Anything to keep me away from the 'fridge...

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