Monday, May 9, 2016

A Million Things

Today is our day to pack up the house in preparation for our early morning journey North tomorrow, so we have a million small tasks to complete.

Rick is getting the rental car right now.  The linens are changed, and I will complete the laundry one last time this evening.  The garage is ready for the car to be put away for the summer.

I still need to clean both bathrooms, wash out the refrigerator, run the dish washer one last time, and finish packing up the electronics and the suitcase.  Rick has some final outdoor chores to complete.

Yesterday was a busy day also as we went to church and then drove to Jon's house to drop off a key and whatever food we were not going to eat today. He seemed most excited about the cheese and the cookies.

I got a nice surprise when I went to water the flowers in the back yard.  The freesia plant that I potted a number of years ago actually bloomed yesterday just in time for Mother's Day.  The bloom only lasted one day, but it was a nice treat to get a flower on Mother's Day.
The freesia bloomed on Mother's Day.
One blossom was enough to make me smile.

Rick printed our boarding passes, and we have fairly good seating again.  While the early flight means we will be up at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow, that also means that we will be home in Wisconsin early also.  And this time, we do not have to worry about driving from Milwaukee in ice and snow (I hope!)

We'll miss Gladys, but we both are happy with all that we were able to accomplish this past winter.

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