Monday, May 2, 2016

Last on the List

Rick made a list of things we wanted to finish before we head North this summer, and today we tackled the last two items on that list.

Very warm weather has prevented us from working past noon recently, but today was both breezy and cloudy, so the outdoor temperatures were a bit more tolerable.

Rick started by washing the car while I did a bit of washing on the bathrooms inside.  While the car dried, he began to wash the north side (facing our neighbors) of the north fence. As the sun became warmer, Rick parked the car half in the garage for shade as he worked on putting a good coat of wax on the car.

Meanwhile, I took a bucket of car-wash water and a good scrub brush to continue washing our white fence.  I love having the fence for the privacy it gives us and because it will not warp, rust, or decay in the sun, but with all good things comes maintenance.  We washed the fence a couple of months ago, but the dirty job of digging up the back yard for the patio and the incessant birds who love to sit (and crap!) on the fence meant that it was ready for a good scrubbing again.

I finished both the north side and 3/4 of the east side of the fence before the weather just became too warm to continue working.  We'll try to get outside early tomorrow to finish the rest of the back and then the south side of the fence.  We have to work in the morning in the back yard while the whole thing is still in the shade.

The weather tells us that we should be heading North for the summer, and since the car and the fence are the last two "to-do" items on our list, we are almost ready to do so.

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