Friday, January 20, 2017

Sight Line

The day dawned gloomy and threatened rain, and for a while a misting sprinkle fell from the sky, but it never really developed into much.

While I stayed inside to strip the bed, do the laundry, and clean the bathrooms, Rick headed outside to clean the windows.  He scrubbed the screens, took them down, and washed and squeezed all of the windows. We can see again!  The job took most of the morning, and just as he finished, the sun started to peek out from behind the clouds. At least now, we can see the sun through the windows!

Yesterday the first of the two bathroom fixtures have been waiting for arrived in the mail.  After a little manipulation, Rick was able to get the bathtub spout threaded and into place.  Almost finished!

Now that the inside of the house is almost complete, our focus can move to the outside.  The landscape will be a multi-year adventure.  We are just trying to figure out how to best use the remaining remodeling money to get finished those projects that will benefit us the most.

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