Thursday, February 16, 2017


We awoke this morning ready to clean up the north side of the yard by removing the stepping stones. They needed to go so we could carry in the pavers which were set to be delivered tomorrow.

The north side yard with the stepping stones
removed in preparation for the pavers.

We removed the stepping stones by 8:30 this morning, and Rick started to dig out under the fence to put in 2 x 4s so we could frame out where the pavers would rest.  Then Rick's phone rang...

The driver delivers a pallet of pavers to the front yard.

The paver company wanted to deliver the pavers today instead of tomorrow.  OK.  Change of plans.  Instead of investigating where we would put in the underground sewer for future gutters on a lanai roof and the drainage tiles we planned for the pavers, we simply got the ground ready so we could transport the pavers to the back yard. We put down left-over wooden panels on which to stack the pavers so they would not sink into the sandy soil in our back yard.

Rick watches the truck drive off as the pavers rest in our front yard.

The truck came at approximately 11:00 a.m.  By 11:30, the driver had unloaded three pallets of pavers to our front yard.  He did a great job of dropping them where we wanted them by the north gate.

Rick got out our garden wagon and carried back two or three loads of pavers "just to see how hard it would be."  My blood sugar was low, so I went in to eat some lunch. Rick joined me by noon.

After lunch, we worked together to carry the pavers into the back yard.  We have to put them there because we are working from the front yard to the back, so we have to "feed" the pavers from the back to the front.

The first pallet of pavers sits in our back yard.

By 1:30, we had one whole pallet of pavers stacked in the back yard.  We found a way to work together so that neither of us was doing too much lifting or bending at one time.  At our age, we need to protect our backs.

Two of the three pallets of pavers await distribution once we
prep the side yard and add the base and sand. 

By 3:30, we had moved the second pallet of pavers to the back yard, and our hands and backs were crying for mercy.  We moved about 4,400 pounds of pavers this afternoon.

We have one pallet left, but that can wait until morning.  We simply covered the pallet for the evening, and since the pavers are banded together and the pavers weigh about 2,200 pounds, I don't think anyone is going to carry them off in the night.

Moving pavers was not in our plans for today, but we are happy that we have moved as much as we did today.  Our efforts today will make tomorrow easier... if we are able to get out of bed!

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