Monday, September 24, 2018

Doors Galore

Rick almost drove me crazy this morning anticipating a call from Alise that our doors for the laundry room were complete and ready for pick-up.  I finally let him call at about 11:00 a.m., and we learned that they were just finishing our order and that we could pick up the doors at 1:30 this afternoon.

This morning was filled with other chores.  We each had a "to do" list, and we completed everything on those lists by noon. After a quick lunch, we were off to finally get the doors.

Rick wanted to start with the doors above the laundry units,
but I convinced him to start with the lower door next to the
washing machine to become familiar with the hinges.

When we arrived, the receptionist said that our order of 20 doors and 3 drawer fronts was ready.  The trouble is, we ordered 5 drawer fronts. "Oh," she said, "He must have just written it incorrectly on my list." Yeah.  Right.  My heart sunk, as did Rick's.

We drove around to the loading dock to pick up the doors and drawer fronts.  Kudos to the person who packed them.  They were bundled into manageable packets and protected by foam between each one.  As we expected, though, a count revealed that we were short two drawer fronts.  They are promised to us by the first week in October, so we'll just have to wait for them.

Once we were home, we unpacked everything and laid them out.  I am disappointed that a couple of the doors have nicks in them, and one has a scratch that we are going to have to repair.  For what we paid for the doors, I really had hoped for perfection.  Silly me.  Nothing is perfect.  One of the large cabinet doors has an annoying black dot in the middle; however, closer inspection shows that it is just a small knot hole that they filled in. The filler took a darker stain, so there is nothing that we can do.  That is the nature of the wood.  I am sure in time I will not even see it anymore.

With the first door on, we were able to move to the
upper cabinets.  We chose to have the lower cabinet open
to the left so that the vacuum inside could be used in the
kitchen as well as the laundry room.
Since we did not get started on installing the doors until about 2:30, we were not able to finish them all today.  Rick probably would have tried if he hadn't been completely exhausted by dinner time, so we stopped for the evening.  He installed 10 of the 20 doors. We are about half done.

What a difference cabinet doors make!  The room looks finished
and the cabinets look like they have always been there.
I am pleased with the results.  With each door, the room looks more complete.  We will install most of the rest of the doors tomorrow.  Since we are missing the two lower cabinet drawer fronts, we may have to wait on installing the doors to those units until after we receive the door fronts.  We want the spacing to be correct.

Rick also installed the doors on the tall cabinet.
Now I can load it with all the things I want to store in there.

We brought in the rest of the doors and drawer fronts so we will be ready
to install everything that we can tomorrow.

Of course, once the doors and drawer fronts are installed, I will be itching to get the granite in place for the room to be complete.  The granite will not be installed until October 15, so once again, we will just have to be patient to complete this project.  In the meantime, though, maybe we can actually get a warp on the loom and start a little weaving.

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