Saturday, May 9, 2020

Three More Down, Three to Go

For whatever reason, today was a hard day for both of us.  Neither of us can really figure out why.  We both got a good night's sleep last night, and we slept until a little after 7:00 a.m.  We did not have to unload cement from the back of the truck, but both of us are really tired.  We had to force ourselves to get outside to continue our work on the fence.

Of course, the cold weather did not help encourage me to go outside this morning.  I really am getting sick of this 30+ degree garbage that we wake up to each day.  The temperatures actually rose to the mid-50s by this afternoon, but that is where they should have started this morning.

Our goal was to finish three more panels today so that we would have just three left to finish the south wall.  We met our goal, but we both really struggled to do so.

I'll let the pictures tell the story again.

The first two panels are up while the third one
rests in the box.

The third panel blocks off most of our view of one of the decks
in the back yard of the corner duplex next door.

This is the view from our patio.  Both of the neighbors who
live in the duplex said that they really think the fence looks great. 

With these three panels, we have blocked off peeping eyes from the street around the corner.  The panels also have given our neighbors privacy from us and we from them. Now they can sit on their decks without us seeing them, and we can sit on our patio without anyone watching us.  That was the plan.

Tomorrow the weatherman predicts SNOW again!  Whoever thought we would be anticipating snow on May 10?  Since tomorrow is Mother's Day, we plan to take the day off and to enjoy spending a little time with Lindsay, Christopher, and Owen.  The fence can always wait until Monday.

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