Wednesday, December 9, 2020

South Side Fence Border - Part 1

Having finished the north side of the concrete border in front of the fence, we now moved on the to south side.  We were supposed to start this yesterday, but once again the weather was too cold.  (What did we expect?  After all, this is December, even if we are in Florida!)

With the stepping stones in place, we just needed
to fill in the area between the stones and the fence.

This morning still dawned too chilly, but by this afternoon the temperatures had warmed enough so that we could start the cement.  We decided to finish just the slab behind the sheds today, so that gave us less to pour tomorrow.

We left the stepping stones that have rested behind our shed for many years now, and we poured just up to the stones today.  That area is right under our live oak tree, and the area always gets filled with leaves.  Once this is all hard surface, we will be able to clean it with just the leaf blower.  I can't wait.

Success! That strip of cement will make
clean-up in that area much easier.

We already had all the forms set, so today was just a simple pour.  Rick figured that we would need four bags of cement to fill the area.  I told him I thought we would need six.  We did.

Now the lawn service will not have to weed-whack
in this corner of the yard.

While we were at it, we also put a very small strip of concrete next to the fence by our gate.  We added a paving stone in that area rather than doing all cement since we have our drain pipe buried in that location. If we ever have to dig up the drain pipe, we figured moving a stone would be much easier than chipping out 3 inches of concrete. 

The rest of the job awaits us tomorrow. 
We figure we will need 16 - 18 bags of
cement to fill the area.

The job only took us a couple of hours, but that was enough to put a strain on Rick's back and to let me know that I will feel helping him lift the concrete bags when I get up tomorrow. The weather is supposed to cooperate with us, so if we get an early start, we should be able to finish the job before lunch. 

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