Sunday, May 23, 2021

Rewired, Relighted, Patched, Drywalled House

 Since my last post, Rick has gone off on a tangent to rewire the whole house with new cable/Internet wires so everything is "up to date" electronically... for the moment.  We all know that electronic components and systems change way too quickly to ever totally be caught up, but we do the best that we can.

This is the access hole that started our 
latest recabling project.

The tangent all started when Rick took down one of the fluorescent lights in the exercise room.  That left a cavity in the ceiling with a hole which contained access to the wiring for the living room electronics.  Well, before we patched THAT hole, we just had to make sure that the cables were up to date.

So Rick spent the last few days running new cables over the finished ceilings in the basement and through walls.  Now his computer and my computer are hard-wired into the Internet.  We moved the router to Lindsay's old bedroom. With the router being more centrally located, reception is better throughout our property.  

He took time out from the rewiring to repaint the stairwell walls and ceiling to the basement before the new carpet arrives.  We ordered a carpet called "Down Home," which is a combination of an ivory, tan, and brown plush weave.  The carpet will be installed on July 27.


The repainted walls and ceiling on the
staircase make the area brighter.

While we were at it, we also bought and installed new can lights in the storage room.  We had many dark corners in that room, so adding more lights was a welcome addition.

The new can light to the far right finally illuminates 
that dark corner of the basement.  The storage room
is overcrowded right now with furniture and items
from the two other rooms we are refinishing.

Yesterday, we added cable access from the router in the basement to the living room, and today we are working on adding new cables to the TV in our master bedroom.

Meanwhile, Rick is patching the old fluorescent light cavities in the ceiling in the exercise room.  He also recabled the TV in that room, so reception is good down there, too.

Left-over drywall makes a perfect finish to the 
basement workshop.

Then Rick used the left-over drywall to finish a part of the wall in his workshop that never had any covering over the insulation.  That area was great at collecting sawdust from his saw!  Now, with the drywall installed and primed, the room will be much easier to clean after a project.  Additionally, we were able to use the expensive drywall that was left over from our latest wall projects.

Building materials in the last year have skyrocketed in price, so we are happy to use whatever materials we have to make this house as comfortable as possible.  With the prices of houses, we are in no hurry to move anywhere else!

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