Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all.  I know that 2014 was better than 2013, so I am hoping that 2015 will continue the trend.  Although we had a green -- or was is dormant-grass brown? -- Christmas, we awoke this morning to a light dusting of snow.  Go figure.  Just when we are about to leave Wisconsin, the weather will try to turn nasty again.

The next couple of days will put us into the prep-to-leave mode. Already items we want to take back to Florida cover the twin bed in the guest room, and Rick has started his helpful but infamous check-off list.  Naturally, the "big" items like medications are easy to remember, but the little items like sunglasses sometimes take a note to remember.

We both needed this time off to heal from our various injuries.  Rick has probably done way too much driving in the past few days, so that may have set him back rather than helped him heal.  My shoulder is better, but my neck is still sore from when I bounced it off the ground during my fall. At my doctor's office yesterday, one of the staff suggested a chiropractor if I continue to have pain.  She said that I may have whiplash, and that making sure the neck is aligned might be a good thing.  If it continues to be painful, I may consider that option.  I am hoping the sunshine and warm weather may alleviate some of my aches and pains.  I KNOW that the added activity when we get back to Florida will help.

The weatherman this morning said that "measurable" and "shovelable" snow is predicted for Saturday. (Only in Wisconsin is "shovelable" actually a word!) Although our flight is not scheduled until 2:55 p.m., we will leave here early to beat the snow which is supposed to come down mostly in the late morning or early afternoon.  Thankfully, we have many retired neighbors around our house, so we know that everyone keeps an eye on our property while we are gone.

We look forward to getting back to Gladys.  We certainly will miss being with family and friends, but we are looking forward to being able to walk outside, to sit on the beach and read our Kindles, and to plant some flowers once our new fence is completed.

Last nigh we watched the ball drop on Times Square to bring in the new year.  It was only 11:00 p.m. Central Standard Time, but that was OK.  "It's midnight at Gladys," I said, and that was good enough for us.  Happy New Year.

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