Sunday, January 18, 2015

Tough Week

This past week has been a tough week.  Let's just leave it at that.

Our one accomplishment of the week was getting the old mail box taken out and the new one installed. I wanted to wait until I had a flower garden dug out around it and flowers planted before I put in pictures, but we did not get the flowers until today and had no time to plant them this past week.

We had to replace the mailbox due to three things: rotten wood, termites, and an over-zealous yardman with an extended string on the trimmer.  The old wooden mailbox post was not in the greatest shape to begin with since both rot and an infestation of termites had done damage to the original structure.  To add to that, the man who trims our lawn each week has taken the guard off of the trimmer.  He likes to take wide sweeps with the trimmer which results in him hitting the mailbox post and any other structure in the vacinity.  That is why we do not allow him to trim anywhere near our new fence!

Earlier this week, we finally took the old post out.  Rick attached the new post to the metal spike that we had purchased earlier.  Then he dug a deep hole and stuck the spike and part of the new post down the hole.  In went two mixed bags of cement, with a third bag going down the post for good measure.  The result is a new black mailbox on the pole.
The post actually is straight... my picture is crooked!
I'll add flowers in a small garden around the post
before the lawn service has a chance to trim around
the new metal post.

I debated on what kind of flowers to buy in the garden I wanted to put around the pole.  I finally chose some yellow dwarf day lilies and some red salvia. They will get planted after we dig out the garden tomorrow.

The only other thing worth mentioning this week was going down yesterday to St. Petersburg to the Dali Museum.  The Museum is holding a joint Dali/ Picasso exhibit.  Our nephew Jon came along, and we were treated to a wonderful sunny day.  The museum itself is in a phenomenal location next to a Marina on the Gulf, so the views from the Museum are almost as spectacular as the Museum itself.  We were a bit disappointed in the docent who gave the tour this time, but we were instrested to see the comparison of some subjects painted both by Dali and by Picasso.  I am not a great fan of Cubism, so I have to admit that I prefer Dali's weird interpretations to Picasso's even more weird (in my opinion) of similar subjects.  While I like some of the early works of both artists, the later works fit neither my tastes nor my decor.  My tastes really don't matter, though, since I could not afford even a simple sketch from either artist.
A side-view of one of Dali's famous works reveals a pixilated
portrait of Lincoln.  The frontal view of this painting simply
shows a nude woman looking out a cross-shaped window out
to the Mediterranean Sea. Ah, Dali!

Our pastor announced this morning that he is retiring at the end of June.  I cannot blame him.  He had a heart attack just before Christmas and three by-passes to save his life.  He said that the heart-attack did not cause his decision since he is almost 68 years old and had been thinking about retirement for a couple of years already.  I do not blame him.  He and his wife want to travel and to see family, so I wish him the best.  I am sad that he is going since we both like him and his wife, but I understand his reasoning.  Life is short, and he has more than worked long enough.

So life goes on.  The Packers lost the game a few minutes ago, and that is just about how crappy this whole week has been.  One disappointment after another.  We are supposed to hear from Mike the tile guy this next week about getting our shower fixed, and honestly, I don't expect he will keep his promises so I don't expect next week to be much better.

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