Thursday, March 10, 2016


Apparently, the road to Weaver Park was blocked yesterday due to a water main break.  I hope they have it fixed by today or the City will have many unhappy commuters on their hands.

We had a restless night and got up early today so I could get into my doctor for a bone density test.  I won't find out the results of that until I go back to see him next month.  I know one thing: a nap is in my near future today since we arose early.

It's fall/ springtime in Florida. The oak trees and the neighbor's camphor tree are dropping leaves into our back yard by the handful. We only have one rake and either need to get another one or buy a leaf blower.  I think we should buy a leaf blower because that way we will have something to use on the stone in the flower gardens also.  Rick is in the midst of researching online which machines are the best.

After lunch, I may go out and start to rake some of the leaves from our yard.  We already put one huge bag of leaves out to the curb last week, and I am sure that five our six more bagsful  await our attention.
Update: Rick and I were able to get this half of the back yard
raked.  Then we had to quit because we lost our shade for the day.

We continue to plan our back yard.  The ground-level deck I wanted to put in probably will not happen because Rick found that no matter what material one uses, it either rots, gets moldy, or disintegrates in the sun.  That includes all of the composite decking that supposedly lasts for 20 years.  Our only alternative may be more pavers.  We will have to see how labor intensive and exhausting putting in our front sidewalk and side pavers will be next year.  If they go well, we may continue with other parts of the back yard.

Rick seems to be a little better today, so I hope that by tomorrow he will start to be back to his old, well self.  Until then, we will lay low.  I hear the couch calling...

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