Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Day 27: Bathroom Remodel

Today we set the house on fire...

The first order of the day was to order out the Swanstone.  If you have been following this blog, you know that Rick tried to order it yesterday at Home Depot.  We cancelled that order and received confirmation of the cancellation, so Rick felt comfortable ordering the Swanstone today through Lowe's.  We would love to just order it direct, but doing so will cost us way too much in shipping costs.  By going through Lowe's, the shipping is free. The Swanstone should be delivered sometime in early December.

Rick got grumpy, so I took the car and went to the drug store to pick up my prescription.  By buying so many expensive drugs (which are free now that we have met the yearly deductible), we earned $10.00 of CVS cash.  We have earned cash often but rarely take advantage of it; however, this time I did.  Our church is collecting food for an area food pantry, so I spent the $10.00 buying basic foods: peanut butter, soup, pasta,  and mac and cheese.  It took me very little time, and the food will go to help others.  Win/win.

The wall before Rick added the shower.  Those
two water pipes were the last to be connected,
and the only way we could do that was by soldering
within the confines of the wall.

Rick put together the shower today.  He soldered more joints than I want to count, but that was needed to get all of the pipes to go where they belonged.  We welded most of them together on a table outside; then we had to come into the house to attach it to the water lines.

The shower valve had to be braced since it is
so heavy.  Once positioned, though, this shower
is not going anywhere!

Positioning it took a little time, but eventually it was hanging where it needed to be.  So picture this: the last two connections need to be made while the shower pipes are hanging between to studs in the wall.  I tried to hold a wet shield up to protect the wall, but in the end the wall got a little scorched and the "shield" I was holding totally ignited.  Thankfully, it was a very small fire, but it certainly did not smell good.  We were lucky that the weather was great today, so we could open the windows.  And yes, we know that we could have purchased a heat shield at the store which would have prevented this problem, but in the end the plumbing is up and the house did not burn down.

We tested the shower and nothing leaked, so tomorrow we can put up the backer board and finish that wall.  Then we just have to prime everything and eventually paint the drywall on top.

I painted the first coat on the molding and baseboard that we purchased a few days ago.  Within the next few days, we can put these pieces together.  Then we just wait for the Swanstone to finish that room.

Yum!  Oatmeal raisin cookies.

As a change of pace, once we cleaned up all of the building materials, I got out the mixing bowl and made a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies.  I love these cookies and the recipe I received from Mom.  The recipe is typed but has Mom's handwritten notes.  Behind "1 cup margarine" Mom wrote for me when I was a new bride, "2 sticks softened."  After "1 cup raisins," Mom wrote, "I heap it up.  I like lots of raisins." I smile each time I read that. I know that the recipe is automatically doubled.  My Dad loved cookies so much that Mom quickly learned that a single batch of cookies would not last very long.  To save herself time and effort, Mom always baked a double batch.  So I baked five dozen oatmeal raisin cookies today, and unlike our earlier antics, I did not burn anything!

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