Friday, November 18, 2016

Day 29: Bathroom Remodel

Lindsay yelled at us yesterday, telling us that we had to do more than just work on the house.  I guess if one reads this blog, it seems that is all we do.  While that is pretty much true, we DO get out occasionally to church, to the grocery store, to the drug store, to the Big Box stores, and even, occasionally, to cool places like the library or the park.  (I admit, though, we have yet to get out the bikes!)

Yesterday we actually went to the Library.  I was looking for Ordinary Grace by William Kent Kreuger, the book that my book club in Green Bay just finished.  Although I found many books by that author, the Library did not own Ordinary Grace.   When I came home, I checked the Kindle Lending Library.  No luck borrowing the book either.  I could buy it for almost $12.00, but I was too cheap to do that.  I remembered, though, that Tom Lowe was supposed to have a new book out, so I checked Kindle for that.  Luck at last!  I ordered A Murder of Crows, and it only cost me $4.99. This book (#8) is the latest in the Sean O'Brien series.  You can borrow my Kindle, Steve, to read it when I am finished.

This morning started with Rick running to the store to buy an oversized corner that will wrap the shimmed out wall at the tub's head.  I stayed home to do the normal Friday chores of changing linens, scrubbing bathrooms, and washing clothes.

A new corner starts to blend the shimmed wall with
the wall next to the closet.

When Rick returned, we sanded the plaster from yesterday and he installed the corner.  It will need some building up, but at least the tub no longer has a gap between it and the wall.  Plaster is a marvelous thing!  How we are going to install the Swanstone and have that corner look right is another story.  That will take some planning yet.

If anyone wants to come and sand tomorrow,
you are very welcome to do so.

We took a break at lunchtime.  We bought sandwiches at Publix and packed a picnic.  Then we drove down to the Marina, found some free parking spaces, and had a lovely lunch.  From there, we walked to a couple of shops looking for accessories for the new bathroom.  Although we did not find anything, we know that this weekend the city is sponsoring a huge art fair.  Perhaps we will find something unique there.  (See, Lindsay, we do get out of the house for some fun things once in a while!)

The weather was beautiful for a picnic lunch.
The weather forecast for today was for
"abundant sunshine" according to the Weather Channel.

This afternoon Rick added a second coat of plaster to the corner.  We are trying to get the room in presentable shape before our company arrives for Thanksgiving.  The room will not be complete, but it will be close.

I have started to clean the house.  With plaster dust everywhere, this will be an on-going task.  Today I tackled the blinds in the master bathroom and in the Florida room.  I have three finished in the Florida room, and three to go.  I had to pause and wash out the blind-cleaning tool, it was so dusty.  That just tells me that my efforts are worth the results.

Each day we get a little closer to having this room finished.  Thank heavens this is the last room in the house!  I don't think I could tolerate much more remodeling, and I am sure that Rick feels the same way.

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