Sunday, November 16, 2014


A few days ago, when we had the tile grouted, we were in Home Depot and picked up a bottle of tile cleaner which said that it would get the grout "haze" off the tile.  I was surprised that Rick put it into the cart without thoroughly reading the label, which is his normal habit.  Upon reaching home, he DID read the label and learned that the bottle of cleaner had more warning signs of how it could etch or ruin the tile than it did for how we could safely use the cleaner.  Why bother making a product that could cause more harm than good?  At any rate, that bottle was placed in the "return to store" pile in our living room.

Let it never be said that we are not efficient.  Before church this morning, we returned the above-mentioned chemicals to Home Depot and then went to Target (at Lindsay's suggestion) to see if we could find a shower curtain that would match our 1960 fleshy-pink bathroom.  The color is very elusive to find, but we actually were successful in finding a curtain in a pattern that we could tolerate and in a shade that seemed to work.
The new curtain is much more sophisticated than
the pink flamingo curtain that it replaced.

We were surprised that the day was so mild, considering that the rest of the country is in a deep freeze.  Lindsay told us this morning that they returned our car to our garage this morning (after borrowing it while their vehicle was being repaired) and were amazed to see that our driveway had already been shoveled by our snow removal service.  What?  Snow removal at this time of the year?  This is way, way, way too early to start depleting our snow removal funds.

To make ourselves feel better, after a quick lunch we decided to go to the beach.  Since the day was getting better by the second, we avoided the traffic going to Clearwater Beach and chose instead to go north to Fred Howard Park Beach.  Howard Beach is much smaller and less known that Sand Key Beach in Clearwater Beach.  The whole beach is actually a little island out to which the county built a causeway.  It was not crowded at all, and our time there left us very relaxed.
The view from under our red beach
umbrella at Fred Howard Park Beach.

We'll get back to reality tomorrow, but for now we are happy that we took the day "off" to be beach bums.  After all, isn't that why we moved to Florida for the winter in the first place?

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