Monday, November 24, 2014

And in THAT Corner...

Rick has been fairly good about controlling his obsessiveness in putting in the fence, but today signs of that tendency started to surface.  After a not-so-restful night, I got up to find him sitting on the sofa, waiting for me to wake up.  Then he was dressed and out the door before I could hardly finish my breakfast.  Suddenly I heard a pounding sound that was WAY too early in the morning to hear, especially since the children do not have school this week, so I doubt that either my neighbor lady or her children were awake yet.  Her husband had left for work early in the morning, but I am sure that the rest of the household slept in. I rushed to the guest bedroom window to find him driving in a stake right next to our neighbor's bedroom window.  I tapped on our window, pointed to my watch, and frowned.  He got the message.

After I dressed, I went outside to discover that a heavy drizzle was falling.  Rick was already two feet down into the hole he was digging for the next post.  Rain was predicted for today, so I was unsure as to how long it would hold off.  I told Rick that the only reason I was tolerating working in such miserable weather is that it was warm outside; had the drizzle been in 40 degree weather, I would have returned to the house.

As the day progressed, the drizzle stopped and the sea fog lifted.  We never really got rid of the clouds, but the temperatures warmed nicely and a breeze kept us from noticing the humidity too much.

Soon, Rick had the first hole completed.  He then turned his attention to the opposite side of the yard in order to put in the corner post in the northeast corner.  My old fashioned Gardenia tree was a bit in the way, but we were able to work around it.  I noticed that it has one bud on it right now, so perhaps by Thanksgiving we will be rewarded with a little white flower.
Rick uses the post hole digger and the SawAll to ready the hole
for the corner post.  My Gardenia tree seems to duck for cover.

I feared that this corner would be an underground web of roots, but it was not too bad.  He had to use the SawsAll a couple of times, but the hole was completed in record time.  He put in this pole, took it out again, added stone, and went through the normal routine of trying to get it at the right height.
This pole will be a bit inside our lot line, but
that is fine with us.  

The only thing that I will regret once we get the panels up on either side of this corner post is that I will not be able to see the beautiful red flowers that are in full bloom in my neighbor's yard.
A little winter color is always a welcome sight.

Our came the cement mixer.  The box that held our next set of panel parts was wet, so it completely disintegrated before we could carry it over to the south side post. Thankfully, the pieces are very light, and in short order, we had another panel between the posts.

Each day we are excited to see the progress.  Once the panel was in and the posts were set, we worried that we might have to step the south side of the fence down.  However, closer examination of the landscape shows that we just need to move some dirt around to take out the hills and fill in the valleys in our yard next to the fence to have it look good.
Four panels now start to give us privacy from our neighbors.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be stormy, so I do not know if we will get outside at all.  That is fine with me since I want to start to get this house in order for Thanksgiving.  I told Rick that on Wednesday, even if the rain quits by noon, roasting the turkey, making the cranberries, and making a pumpkin cake roll will take priority status over the fence. And, of course, on Thursday I refuse to work at all.
The latest art for my kitchen reminds me to count my
blessings including family, which is the greatest blessing
of all.

The best part about being a grandparent is that we get refrigerator art again.  We received a package in the mail today from Owen, so I will smile each time I see his little hand prints in the turkey tail.  What could be better?

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