Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Not Gone with the Wind

After an evening of rain, we awoke to a very, very windy day.  I suggested that maybe the wind would not be the best weather in which to mix concrete since it would blow the dust of the bags around.  Rick did not think that it would be an issue, so we went ahead with our concrete plans for today.

Rick fills in the area next to the pavers to help
keep them in place.

We needed to clean out a small trough in front of the pavers and to remove the tape that held the sand in before we sealed the pavers.  Once that was complete, we were ready to pour a small concrete rim around the pavers to help hold them into place.

Completed!  As I took this picture, the wind
already was blowing the moved sand back over
the concrete rim.

We used six bags of concrete mix and had
just enough to rim the shed walkway also.

We started at about 9:30 a.m., and we were finished by noon.  One more part of this project is now complete.  Once the concrete dries, we will backfill the area and plant a little grass.  Then this job is done.  Hallelujah!

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