Monday, March 6, 2017

Pavers and Pain

We were up early today so that we were ready for our sand delivery this morning.  We expected him to be here by 8:00 AM.  He was a little late, so that delayed our work day a bit.

The truck dumps 2 1/2 tons of sand in our driveway.

Rick is not happy with the sand.  Although this is the sand that the company swears all of the professional companies use under pavers, Rick thinks it is too fine.  Also, we ordered one amount and received much more, so the bill was larger than we had anticipated.  We were worried about what we would do with the extra sand, but our landscape crew told us to just spread it around the yard.  They said that the sand will be very good for the grass.  OK.  That is a new one on me, but I am not going to argue with them.  Our yard is mostly weeds anyway, so the sand certainly will not hurt anything.

All of the pavers on the patio and one of the
three pallets of pavers in the back are now
in place in the largest area that we wanted to cover.

While we waited for the sand, we staged what we could to lay the pavers.  Once the sand was here, Rick made short work of putting down the layer over the area that we wanted to cover today.  We started at the corner of the largest part of the project, and we were able to fill in that area by 1:30 PM today.

We now have placed about 1/3 of the pavers into place. We accomplished what we had hoped to do today, although we both feel the results of our efforts tonight.  I am exhausted, and I would guess Rick is also.  His shoulder aches, and once I go to bed, I am sure that my back will let me know how many pavers I moved today.

The area to the right of the patio was our target for today.
Tomorrow we will fill in the north side walkway and perhaps
the front sidewalk leading from the driveway.

This project will be fine as long as we pace ourselves.  For me, that means not working beyond noon. By that time, the sun and the heat usually are too intense, so we will use the afternoon to shower and to wash our work clothes for the next day.

Our goal is to have the pavers all in place by this Friday.  The saw is working wonderfully, and Rick is doing a good job of making precision cuts.  We both will be happy when this project is complete.

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