Monday, April 3, 2017

Beat the Heat

What a day so far.  We awoke this morning to windy weather with temperatures steadily climbing.

To beat the heat, we took an early morning bike ride on the trail and were home again by 9:30. The trail was not overly crowded today, but we certainly knew which way the wind was blowing! Of course, we did not have to ride against the wind until we were on our way home... when we were tired.  Never fails.

After we arrived home, we did some quick tree-trimming before the garbage men come to pick up brush.  The neighbors have a heavily wooded back yard, and although they worked very hard this year to clean it up, they still have many trees (including a Brazilian pepper tree) that was growing both over our fence and into our overhead wires.  Rick got out the pole trimmers and made short work of the offending branches.  We hauled two huge bundles out to the curb.  We hope this trimming will be enough to keep the branches at bay for the summer.  I am sure we will have to trim again in the fall.

From there, I came in to work with the laundry while Rick dug out the hose to wash both the car and the truck.  The pollen has been heavy lately, so both vehicles needed a good scrubbing.  The windows in the house need washing too, but Rick said why do that when we are supposed to get rain on Thursday?  My question is, why wash the cars, then, when we are supposed to get rain on Thursday?  I guess the answer is all tied with perspective and priorities.

At any rate, the laundry is in the dryer, the vehicles are clean, and our "chores" for the day are completed, all before 11:00 a.m.  The temperatures already have reached 81 with a high of 90 predicted for this afternoon, so I suspect we will work on baskets, sewing, reading, and other indoor-because-it-is-air-conditioned activities for the rest of the day.

Spring has arrived in Florida.

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